Mission Statement
The Shoreline Unified School District, in partnership with the home and our rich diverse community, will prepare students for their future, assist them in becoming life-long learners and enable them to reach their full potential as responsible, productive, and contributing members of society. The District will provide a safe educational environment in which students are actively engaged, excellence is expected, and differences are respected and valued.
This guide is to help parents and community members with questions regarding how the District is governed and to whom they should communicate regarding matters of the Shoreline Unified School District.
Public Schools in California are governed by a publicly elected Board of Education. The Board’s responsibility is financial oversight and making policy decisions that govern the organization. Every individual district in the State interacts with a county office of education whose role is to support the district and maintain fiscal oversight.
There are seven members of the Shoreline Unified School District Board of Education. They are elected to four year terms and represent the three regions of the 450 square miles that encompass the district’s geographic area. In order to run for the school Board a person must be a legal citizen, at least 18 years old, and live within the school district boundary. Currently the members of the Shoreline Unified School District Board of Trustees are:
Jill Manning-Sartori |
President | Term expires December |
Tim Kehoe |
Vice President | Term expires December |
Avito Miranda |
Clerk | Term expires December |
Heidi Koenig |
Representative | Term expires December |
Ethan Minor |
Trustee | Term expires December |
Vonda Fernandes |
Trustee | Term expires December |
Jane Healy | Trustee | Term expires December |
Bob Raines | Secretary | |
Isabela Sartori and Natalya Feliciano | STUDENT REPRESENTATIVES | |
Messages for School Board members may be left at the district office (707) 878-2266.
The school Board hires and evaluates the Superintendent. The Superintendent is responsible for the day to day operations of the district and to make sure that the district policies and state/federal requirements are being adhered to at all levels within the district. The Superintendent evaluates the site principals and district level personnel.
The Shoreline Unified School District believes that problems and concerns should be solved as quickly as possible and with the best interest of children in mind. Therefore, it is always important to whenever possible, first speak to the person who has the most knowledge of, and is closest to the problem.
If I have a problem or concern about…. I should first contact….
something concerning my child and the class | my child’s teacher |
a sensitive family or health issue concerning my child |
my child’s teacher or principal |
the curriculum |
my child’s teacher or principal |
a teacher |
the school principal |
a principal |
the district superintendent |
the superintendent |
the board president |
my child's test scores |
my child’s teacher |
a discipline problem at school |
my child’s teacher |
a board policy |
the principal or superintendent |
home to school bussing |
the transportation director |
District Contacts:
Superintendent – Bob Raines
(707) 878-2257
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Principal Tomales Elementary – Norma Oregon-Santarelli
(707) 878-2214
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Principal West Marin School and Inverness - Dr. Elizabeth Nolan
(415) 663-1014
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Principal Tomales High School – Adam Jennings
(707) 878-2286
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District Transportation – Leland Kinard
(707) 878-2221
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Title IX Concerns - Bob Raines
(707) 878-2225
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