Citizens Oversight Committee
Annual Report
December 2012
Description of Measure D
On November 3, 2009, the voters of within the borders of the Shoreline Unified School District approved Measure D which provided $9,290,000 in funding to replace two portable buildings at West Marin School, modernize storage space behind the original gym at West Marin School, modernize classrooms at Tomales High School, modernize other district property, and pay off costs of a modernization project from 2006.
Measure D Bond Citizens’ Oversight Committee
As outlined in Education Code Section 15278, a Citizens Oversight Committee (COC) was formed by the Shoreline Unified School District’s Board of Trustees in 2008. The COC is composed of members that represent the business community, senior citizens, and taxpayers.
The purpose of the COC is to inform the public concerning the expenditure of bond revenues. The COC shall actively review and report on the proper expenditure of taxpayers' money for school construction. The COC shall advise the public on the District’s compliance with the expenditure requirements.
Some of the responsibilities may include providing oversight in the following areas:
(1) Ensure bond revenues are expended only for the purposes of construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation or replacement of District facilities as outlined in the ballot language.
(2) Ensure no funds are to be used for teacher or administrator salaries or other District operating expenses.
To carry out its role, the COC has:
(1) Received and reviewed copies of the annual, independent performance audit.
(2) Received and reviewed copies of the annual, independent financial audit.
(3) Inspected school facilities and grounds to view completed projects, projects in process and location of future projects.
(4) Reviewed efforts of the District to maximize bond proceeds by applying for matching funds and/or implementing cost effectiveness in the construction schedules.
This school year the COC has met on September 12, 2012.
Issuance of Measure D Bonds:
The Measure D bonds were issued on April 29, 2010 under the $9.29 million authorization. The proceeds from the bond authorization have been allocated based on the spending plan authorized by the Board of Trustees. The debt repayment for the bond is funded by the property taxpayers that reside within the boundaries of the Shoreline Unified School District.
The bonds were issued in the most fiscally prudent manner, utilizing economically sound instruments for the taxpayers. Highly competitive fees were negotiated with the District’s consultants including bond underwriter, financial advisor and bond counsel.
Financial and Performance Review and Audit:
The accounting firm of Goodell, Porter, Sanchez, and Bright LLD conducted both a financial and a performance review and audit of the bond expenditures and activities. The firm found that the bond fund financial statements present fairly the financial position and results of the operations of the fund. The audit reported no findings.
Measure D Capital Facilities Projects:
Measure D construction projects have been designed with input from the school staff, District architects, a construction management firm and District administration. The projects which are complete as well as the projects under construction have been, or will be submitted and approved through the Division of the State Architect (DSA) review process.